Breathe – Five Minute Friday

Today’s word prompt for Five Minute Friday is breathe. Five minutes of free-writing on the word, hosted by Kate at Heading Home.


GO –


We take that word for granted. We assume that every living being can breathe. In and out, in and out. Even plants can breathe, right?

But what about when you can’t?

I remember the birth of one of the girls. The medications were so heavy for the C-section that I couldn’t breathe. I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I remember the anesthesiologist saying “hold on; we are almost there; just keep breathing.” I wanted to holler “I can’t” but I had no air with which to do so. He was right, of course. Just a moment later he was able to change the medication or the air flow or whatever it was and I could immediately feel my breath again and I could breathe.

I remember being a child and having an allergic reaction and not being able to breathe. It felt like my chest had collapsed and something heavy was sitting on it. I don’t remember how that one came out except that I am here and I know I spent several days in the hospital.

Sometimes, even now, I still have moments where I can’t breathe. If it is allergy related, I can take something for it and do better almost immediately.

If it isn’t, well, then I have to let someone else take care of it – God. When those pressures of mommydom pile on, or I forget about something, or we get so busy doing the good things that we are trying to participate in, sometimes? I can’t breathe. So, I sit back and let God do it for me.

And He does. He breathes life back into me. Through his word. Through prayer. Through friends. Through good blog posts. Through my husband. Through my children. Those breaths of air – they are wonderful and they restore.


At Home.




8 thoughts on “Breathe – Five Minute Friday

  1. Lisa McKinney February 3, 2017 at 8:58 pm Reply

    so so true. I had an asthma attack while birthing my oldest. I remember them saying “Deep Breath!” and I couldn’t even take a small one! The feeling of not being able to breathe is so terrifying! I a so thankful I have always had people nearby who can help me catch my breath again. Especially God. ❤

  2. Barbie Swihart February 3, 2017 at 9:15 pm Reply

    Sitting back and allowing God to take care of our stuff is not always easy. I am so thankful He comes and breathes His breath of life back into us. Blessings!

  3. E. Adams Wright February 3, 2017 at 9:19 pm Reply

    Thank you for the reminder to appreciate what I most days take for granted, “Being able to breathe freely.” Visiting from FMF. Blessings.

  4. Annette Tinholt Vellenga February 3, 2017 at 11:23 pm Reply

    oh.. well written. I especially like this: He breathes life back into me. Through his word. Through prayer. Through friends. Through good blog posts. Through my husband. Through my children. Those breaths of air – they are wonderful and they restore.

    All his action…just seen in different ways… we forget that sometimes…

    • 3gigglygirlsathome February 5, 2017 at 8:52 am Reply

      It is so easy to forget to look through His eyes and see His hands around us working. Thank you, Annette.

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