Mozzarella – Middle School Monday

mozzarellaWe took about a week and went to visit grandparents last week. While there, my mom had a fun project for us to do – make mozzarella!

mozzarella ingredients

It was a DIY kit that she had gotten somewhere. We had to buy a gallon of whole milk but everything else was in the kit. After we got started with it, we realized that the kit had enough of the ingredients (like rennet) to make a bunch of batches. We only made one, though.

mozzarella measuring ingredients

mozzarella cooking and temperatures

mozzarella curds

It was a simple enough project and took us somewhere around an hour. Result, one ball of fresh mozzarella to go with our dinner. It was yummy! It was also a lot of fun to make and figure out the process. It is definitely something I think would be fun to try again with some goat’s milk so that all of us could eat it.

mozzarella ball

If you get a chance, definitely try your hand at making fresh mozzarella. Our middle schooler absolutely enjoyed the process AND the result. It is kind of fascinating to watch the process and see the cheese come from all that liquid, leaving the whey behind.

At Home.

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