Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film ~ in theaters 6/20/24

The long-awaited, first feature film about Jesus in American Sign Language is finally here! It is Deaf led production and cast and hits theaters June 20. This telling of the ministry of Jesus is the first full-length feature film in ASL!

Synopsis: God’s story is unstoppable when it is in the heart language of a people
group. JESUS: a Deaf Missions film, uses Deaf actors to bring the story of Jesus to
life from a Deaf perspective for a Deaf audience.

About The Movie (from the website)

For the first time in history, a Deaf audience will have the unique opportunity to experience the story of Jesus presented as a feature film entirely in American Sign Language. JESUS: a Deaf Missions film will take you on a journey with Jesus and his disciples. Witness His miracles, His transformative power, and His challenges to the religious elite in a time of high tension under Roman rule in Judea. The Jews were anticipating a Messiah, but Jesus was not what they expected. What the religious leaders orchestrated to be Jesus’ end instead changed the world forever. Immerse yourself in Jesus’ love as He offers hope, forgiveness, and eternal life. Don’t miss this historic film—produced for Deaf by Deaf—with a cast fluent in American Sign Language. Deaf producer / director Joseph D. Josselyn (of Deaf Missions) and Deaf producer Michael Davis (of GUM Vision Studio) bring the movie to life for Deaf audiences. The film includes a soundtrack and English subtitles.

About Deaf Missions

I had not heard of Deaf Missions prior to this but have found it a mission that is meeting a need worldwide. Spread around the world, 100 countries are being reached. They are striving to keep a focus to their mission: “creating epic video content in sign language, encouraging the development of Gospel communities, and equipping Deaf leaders by providing access to resources and training in their heart language.” (from their website) Read more on the website.

View the Trailer:

My Thoughts:

The life of Jesus is an amazing story and it is told here with simplicity and honesty. The gentleness and humanity of Jesus is shown beautifully in this film. The story shows his ministry and in doing so, highlights interactions with people who need what He has to offer. There are stories from all of the gospels, from what I could keep track of, and it shows the healing that only comes from Jesus, the Son of God. The actors are talented and it was easy to know what account was being told.

We see the most well-known accounts from the gospels. It begins with Jesus calling the apostles. We see the Samaritan woman at the well, the rich young ruler, Mary Magdalene, the healing of a man with leprosy, the healing of the man who was let down through the roof, and many others. We see some of the politics that were at play. We experience the fear, hope, love and other emotions that people who came into contact with Jesus experienced. We find that trust as Peter steps out of the boat into the water. We feel the angst as they travel through unknown, dangerous places. We see the hope when demons are cast out. We understand the joy as life is renewed to one who has been ill for 12 years. So much of the story of Jesus is in the interactions of people and these are beautifully told in this film.

With subtitles, this film is accessible to everyone. There is no need to understand ASL, though if you do, the film becomes even more lovely.

I would warn that Jesus’ trial and death and the violence that came along with those things are told quite visually and they are harsh. I skipped them by just fast forwarding the viewing link I had. In the theater, you obviously wouldn’t be able to do that so just be warned. If highly visual violence is tough for you, be prepared to cover your eyes or the eyes of children with you. This is the only time anything I would be cautious of came up.

I think this is a story that should be told to and seen by everyone and this film makes that possible. Visit the ticket website to find when and where it is being shown near you. Order tickets. Take a group, take a few, or go by yourself. Go see this remarkable telling of the life of Jesus. You will not regret the time, effort, and money spent for it. Visit this LINK for tickets.

Giveaway: $10 Amazon giftcard
Open to US only. Please comment on this post to be entered in to the drawing for one winner. To get a second entry, share this post or the trailer for this film and let me know where you shared it by making a second comment. The winner will be randomly drawn on June 20, 2024 so enter by the end of the day 6/19/24. Winner must respond by email within 24 hours to claim the prize.

Many thanks to Deaf Missions for providing a sample of the product for this review.
Opinions are 100% my own.

Lori, At Home.

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7 thoughts on “Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film ~ in theaters 6/20/24

  1. hgtempaddy June 14, 2024 at 7:56 am Reply

    I would love to see this movie with my family this summer.

  2. hgtempaddy June 14, 2024 at 7:57 am Reply
  3. Breanne Weida June 14, 2024 at 10:50 pm Reply

    I’d love to see this!

  4. Jessica June 17, 2024 at 5:43 pm Reply

    I would like to see this with my son.

  5. Shelly Peterson June 18, 2024 at 1:59 am Reply

    I would love to see this movie. cshell090869 at aol dot com

  6. Shelly Peterson June 18, 2024 at 1:59 am Reply
  7. Terri June 19, 2024 at 11:14 pm Reply

    I would love to see this with my family!

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