Just A Few More Days ~ hymn

I’ll exchange my cross for a starry crown

We sang this upbeat tune today in services. It was a joy to be in person with many and virtually with many more. It was so nice to know that I was worshiping with my parents who are in a different state. It was a joy to know that others, around the globe, would see and be able to participate in making a joyful noise to the Lord and that He would be glorified through it.

At Home Dad led singing this morning at services and said he had been humming this for a few days. I wasn’t surprised because I had evidently heard him and not realized it. I have been humming it, too. It’s a good one.

Here’s a nice audio. It is on YouTube but there is no video.

Just A Few More Days 

words and music: Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1917)

1 Just a few more days to be filled with praise,
And to tell the old, old story;
Then, when twilight falls, and my Savior calls,
I shall go to Him in glory.

I’ll exchange my cross for a starry crown,
Where the gates swing outward never;
At His feet I’ll lay ev’ry burden down,
And with Jesus reign forever.

2 Just a few more years with their toil and tears,
And the journey will be ended;
Then I’ll be with Him, where the tide of time
With eternity is blended. [Chorus]

3 Tho’ the hills be steep and the valleys deep,
With no flow’rs my way adorning;
Tho’ the night be lone and my rest a stone,
Joy awaits me in the morning. [Chorus]

4 What a joy ’twill be when I wake to see
Him for whom my heart is burning!
Nevermore to sigh, nevermore to die–
For that day my heart is yearning. [Chorus]


Lori, At Home.


2 thoughts on “Just A Few More Days ~ hymn

  1. Annette Vellenga (@athomepets) May 26, 2020 at 11:19 pm Reply

    oh, that is a cheery song! a new one for me.

    • 3gigglygirlsathome May 27, 2020 at 9:10 am Reply

      Wow! I am surprised since this is one of those that I have sung since my earliest memories! Glad to share a favorite with you.

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