Impressionist Art Activity – Renoir


Our Cookies and Coloring artist last time was Renoir. The teacher did a fantastic job of introducing the students to this artist and going over what an Impressionist painter would have been like. Some of the points:

  • lots of nature
  • paintings give “impression” rather than details
  • generally “soft”
  • thin, soft but visible brush strokes
  • interest in sunlight and outdoors
  • interest in perception of movement or motion

They studied a painting (Luncheon of the Boating Party) in silence and then tried to answer questions about it. It was a great activity to focus their viewing and thinking.

Today, we used the information gained about Renoir and did our own art creation based on his life. Born in 1841, he died in 1919 at the age of 73. Many of Renoir’s paintings are very well known but there are a couple of facts about his life that really were interest grabbers for the girls. One was the focus on nature, sunlight, and brush strokes. The other was that his first job, obtained at the age of 13 due to family need, was painting plates, cups, and ladies’ fans. How cool!

We got a bundle of paper plates, paint, paintbrushes, and went to work after a refresher about Renoir. Here is the result:

At Home.


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4 thoughts on “Impressionist Art Activity – Renoir

  1. Annette Tinholt Vellenga September 16, 2016 at 8:55 pm Reply

    I like it! My lad would find it hard as he likes LOTS of detail in his work, but a challenge is good for a boy

  2. Kym Thorpe September 19, 2016 at 8:18 am Reply

    Lovely projects!! And Renoir definitely has an interesting story. I’d love for you to link this post on the Virtual Fridge!

  3. Chareen September 28, 2016 at 9:10 pm Reply

    ♥ love these they are gorgeous. Well done 🙂

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