Yummy Nuggets ~ recipe

a tasty wheat-free recipe

My mom called the other day to let me know about a recipe she had come across for some wheat-free, healthy cookies. These little nuggets are YUMMY! And they are so simple. I don’t know where she got the recipe but it is a winner.

Do you remember Shaklee? They had these protein bars that I remember liking. A lot. These little nuggets taste like those protein bars we used to get to have once in a while when we were kids. They have a chocolatey outside and a creamy, nutty, sweet, fluffy inside. They are fabulous. And they take just a few minutes to whip up.

At Home Dad thought they were more like a truffle but you can call them whatever you want – cookie, nugget, truffle. I’ll just call them tasty.

The Recipe:

1/2 C nut butter – I used almond. Mom used cashew. You can use peanut or whatever you’ve got.

1/2 C coconut flour

1/4 C maple syrup

Mix these three together. Then roll the mixture into balls. I did mine about 1 inch across. Let them chill in the fridge while you do the next part.

Melt 1/2 C chocolate chips or the equivalent. I did this in the microwave in 15 second bursts at 60% power, stirring in between.

Take the balls out of the fridge and coat them in the melted chocolate. Let them chill a bit longer in the fridge to set the chocolate and you are good to go. You might want to store them in the fridge to keep the chocolate from melting.

Makes about 12. (I halved the recipe and it made 6.)


Yummy Nuggets

Lori, At Home.


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One thought on “Yummy Nuggets ~ recipe

  1. […] Yummy Nuggets – a recipe – These little snack balls are a hit with the girls. This recipe is made with three simple ingredients. Covering them in chocolate would require a fourth. […]

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